Why did I start this blog? My grandmother, who is 86, joined the internet world a couple of months ago. I thought I would try to send her regular emails with updates on the monkeys and pictures of them. I thought it would give her something to look forward to and, more importantly, a reason to actually get on the computer and check for new email. Then I gave myself a reality check. There is a list of friends and family that I have not really sent email updates to since the girls were born. As much as I love my grandma, the odds of me suddenly changing and finding lots of time for sending email just are not there. I was also trying to journal events for the girls in their journals, but I wasn't doing a great job of getting it done regularly. So I decided that a blog was the answer. Now my grandma and all of those other people who I so rarely send messages to can all check up on us any time they want. It is working so well. I know people are checking the blog expecting to see something new and I am finding that I feel really guilty if I don't make a post every few days. It is amazing what a difference a little public accountability makes!
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