Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Play time with Daddy!

The monkeys had fun playing with daddy today. First daddy flew Isabella over Caitlin.

Then Caitlin got to fly over Isabella. If you look closely you will see that Isabella apparently thought Caitlin needed some help getting a bat out of the cave.

Then daddy took a breather to admire Caitlin's peacock hair.


  1. These monkeys look like their daddy. Must of been all the cherries you ate that kept your gene's out of it (I am sure I spelled that wrong)

  2. Did you put Caitlin's finger in a light socket?

  3. I see the family resemblance - sometimes Sean's hair look that the in the morning if he hasn't had a hair cut for a while! ;)

  4. ok- got it- Caitlin has the crazy hair- I can remember that one! Do you think she'll mind if you keep that hair-do till she's a teenager so we can tell them apart easier?

  5. Grandma Carol says no on the hair style. I try and make it stay down everyday with no luck. She is my little angel anyway.
