Yes, I know that I'm late with this post. August was a very eventful month and the girls didn't have their well baby appointment until the 19th. They were running behind so we were at the pedi's for a tortuous 2 hours. That is way too long for 1 year olds who missed their morning nap because of the appointment. Fortunately, my brother was in town and went with me since Jeff and mom weren't able to. I wouldn't have survived it without him.
The monkeys are still rocking the charts for their verbal skills. Their fine motor and social skills are right up there too. They are still behind on their gross motor skills. We are working on them though. The pedi did put a referral in for physical therapy and said we could pursue it in a couple of months if we needed to. I don't think it will be necessary as the girls are making progress. Caitlin's weight is still at the bottom of the chart, but the pedi isn't concerned yet. Overall the monkeys are doing very well. Here are their stats:
Weight: 17lbs 11oz - 4%
at birth: 4lbs 3oz
Height: 29 1/4" - 48%
at birth: 17"
Weight: 19lbs 2oz - 15%
at birth: 5lbs
Height: 30 1/4" - 79%
at birth 17 1/4"
Here are a couple of pics of the monkeys with Sean right before he went home.
what a wonderful family I have. Even though Sean has gone back CA the girls still knows who he is. If you ask where Uncle Sean is they will look at the kitchen for him.