In honor of Stacey I am posting lots of pictures of the girls playing. As promised in my last post, I spent a weekend taking lots of pictures of the girls. I am admittedly very late in getting them posted. Things haven't slowed down quite as much as I anticipated, but there is still hope for more blog time coming soon.

Yummy Cheerios!

Your eye is a little wobbly. Let me take care of that for you.
Ooops! Now your smile is wonky.
Whee! Daddy is so much fun!

Mommy, do you move that cursor thingy with your tongue?
I'm cute and I know it.
Must find trouble.
Let's help mommy with her work.

I will not be interrupted.
I want to watch something else. These house shows are boring me.

Our favorite toys. What is that you say? They aren't our toys? We say they are!

Where's that thing you called Elmo?

Still searching for something better.

What happened to my Cheerios?
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